czwartek, 18 grudnia 2014

Dj lifestyle

Dj lifestyle 

many people ask me how dj lifestyle looks like? They always think it is only parties, alkohol and girls. It is not true at all.:)

Of course musical trip, beautiful people, fat paychecks, classy cars, amazing hotels, magazine covers, even festivals and stadiums if you do really well… are avaiable. 
The core of sucessful dj is passion. Why are you doing this? Be totally honest with yourself. Unless you fundamentally love the music and want to share the way it makes you feel with others, hmmm, should you really be doing this? 

Ge know Your auddience. Who You will play for? What age, sex. 
It starts at the beginning. A few new DJs focus on finding more amazing music and on making mix tapes for their friends to get feedback. Their attitude is that they more feedback they get the better a DJ they will become.

To start being a dj You need dj samples. Don't hesitete and download it to start creating Your own music.

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